Welcome to our "Everything Liberty" blog! Today we  will show you how to make beautiful and unique Liberty inspired Christmas baubles. We all love decorating our homes during this festive season, and what better way to add a personal touch to your Christmas décor than to make your own baubles! In this blog, we will show you two different methods using fabric and paint, or Poscas to create stunning and unique Christmas decorations.

Method 1- Using Fabric:

Materials Needed:
Liberty Fabric
One large polystyrene ball
Mod Podge glue
A small paintbrush

Firstly, cut a piece of material big enough to fully cover the ball. Pin the fabric in place at each end, and then cut off any excess fabric to give it a neat finish.

Apply a good amount of Mod Podge glue to your foam ball before gently smoothing over the fabric so that it is flat and covering every inch of the foam surface.

Allow the glue to dry, and then cut off any excess fabric around the top of the ball, using your scissors to make it neat.

Make a small hole in the top of the bauble using a thin stick or an embroidery needle.

Thread some ribbon through the hole and give it a knot to create a loop to hang your Liberty inspired bauble.

Method 2 - Using Paint or Poscas:

Materials Needed:
Liberty Fabric
Polystyrene balls in various sizes
Paint (either metallic or opaque)
Gold pen Poscas
A small paintbrush

Cut out small pieces of Liberty fabric to fit onto each of your foam balls, and then apply some paint to your material. You can use either metallic or opaque paint depending on your preference.

Once the paint is dry, use some contrasting gold pen Poscas and add little detail and pattern to the design.

Allow the Poscas to set and dry, then repeat the process on each of the foam balls until you have your desired amount of baubles to decorate with.

Make small holes at the top of each bauble using a thin stick or an embroidery needle, then thread your ribbon through each hole and give it a knot.

Making your own Christmas baubles is a fantastic way to be creative and add a personal touch to your festive decorations. We hope that our two different methods using fabric, paint, or Poscas can give you some inspiration to go and make your own Liberty inspired Christmas baubles. Not only will they look great on your tree, but you will also feel proud that you created them yourself. Get started today and see what designs and patterns you can come up with!
September 02, 2023 — Samantha Firestone